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Phone Icon (780) 517-3333
Phone Icon (780) 517-6333
(Sales & Support Hotline)

Authorized Xplore Installer

Why Choose Xplore?

Get the speed and data you need! Choose from lots of available packages.
Stream music and share photos.
Watch movies and shows online.
Connect all PC's, laptops, gaming consoles and tablets.
No equipment purchase and basic installation FREE!
Download speed up to 25.0Mbps.
Monthly usage up to 500GB.

Satellite Internet - Good for anywhere!
LTE Internet - Best for the Town of Edson and the Bear Lake area!

View Current Xplore Offers


Platforms and packages available at your exact location may vary based on signal quality and network conditions. Additional data options may not be available in all regions. To confirm the platforms and plans available at your exact location, please contact Xplore or your local dealer. If customer installation requirements go beyond the scope of a basic installation, additional fees may apply.